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Do you as an employer find yourselves in the difficult position of needing to consider redundancies?
Do you feel in the dark as to what you have to do? Are you wrestling with a list of unanswered questions, perhaps including some of the following……?
- Can we just tell them they are redundant?
- If a few jobs need to go, how do we establish who is at risk of redundancy?
- How do we let them know that they are at risk of redundancy?
- What does being “at risk of redundancy” actually mean?
- How do we consult with them?
- Should we seek volunteers?
- How do we go about that?
- What if the wrong people volunteer?
- How do we select employees for redundancy?
- What sorts of things are used as selection criteria?
- What is meant by “suitable alternative employment”?
- What happens if they refuse it?
- Can we give them a trial period in the suitable alternative role?
- How much do we need to pay redundant employees?
- Do we need to offer a package?
- What are our redundant employees entitled to?
- Do we need to give them time off to look for other work?
- What if they want to leave before the end of their notice period?
- Are they still entitled to a redundancy payment?
- What do we do if the press are tipped off and take us by surprise with a call?
If you need support, Turnstone HR can offer help and advice to make sure you follow a fair process in the interests both of your redundant employees and those who remain, and minimising the risk of claims made against your business.
The law provides a definition of what constitutes a redundancy and the criteria that must be met for an employee to qualify for a redundancy payment. So, a lot of what you need to know is set down in legislation.
However, many of the decisions you need to make will depend on your particular situation and the needs of your business. Turnstone HR is a local HR firm with experience of working with organisations of all shapes and sizes across Ulverston, Barrow and the wider South Lakes area. We will understand the issues you face and will be able to offer guidance, advice and support tailored to meet the needs of your business.
Chrissy Tait
Phone: (01229) 821270
Mobile (07725) 735581
Sarah Goddard
Phone: (01229) 480676
Mobile (07715) 822216