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Display the NHS QR Track and Trace Poster or face a fine!!!!
The Government have put in place requirements for certain establishments to display the official NHS QR Track and Trace Poster at all entrances to their premises and risk being fined for not doing so:
Currently this requirement applies to:
- hospitality, including pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés
- tourism and leisure, including gyms, swimming pools, hotels, museums, cinemas, zoos and theme parks
- close contact services, including hairdressers
- facilities provided by local authorities, including town halls and civic centres (for events), libraries and children’s centres
- businesses, community venues and places of worship that are open to the public.
It may also shortly become mandatory for ALL business venues open to the public to comply with this requirement.
The poster, which contains a unique QR Code for your business location, needs to be created by visiting the following link:
Once printed this poster needs to be displayed at EVERY entrance to your premises and you must ask all visitors to scan the QR code when they arrive. Do remember though, that if they are unable to scan the code you must obtain their name and contact details and keep a record of all visitors for a period of 21 days prior to confidentially shredding any details obtained.
With fines for non-compliance with any aspect of the requirements around track and trace set at £1000 and increasing to £4000 for repeat offenders, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so we strongly advise you follow this guidance.
Full details around the requirements of Track and Trace can be found here
If you need any assistance please get in touch,
Sarah Goddard
Phone: (01229) 480676
Mobile (07715) 822216
Chrissy Tait
Phone: (01229) 821270
Mobile (07725) 735581
DISCLAIMER: The materials in this guidance are provided for general information purposes and do not constitute legal or other professional advice. While the information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances may impact the accuracy and validity of the information. Turnstone HR cannot be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any action or decision taken as a result of using the guidance. You should consult with us first for advice where appropriate
Published 30th September 2020