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HR Services delivered as and when you need them

HR Services delivered as and when you need them


Identity is an independent, family business and employs around 10 permanent full-time staff and up to 12 Students throughout the year. We have been an employer in the Barrow area for nearly 50 years.

We had a staff incident where we felt too close to the Employees. Having known them for many years, we didn’t feel comfortable investigating this incident on our own.

A call to Turnstone HR (a professional and independent HR company) resulted in them helping us with a very tricky investigation, recommending a realistic outcome and supporting us to make the right decision .

Chrissy clearly explained the step-by-step process to me, and felt it was the best way forward.
She held interviews with the employees to assess the cause of the incident and I feel that all employees had a relaxed but professional interview for them to be able to explain what had happened.

Chrissy brought her findings to Identity and then spoke to the Employees to explain the findings.

I would recommend Turnstone HR for the professional (yet compassionate) approach to our Employees. Thank you, Chrissy, for going above and beyond at the time to fit us into your schedule.


“There is evidence to suggest that good HR practice and people management in SMEs are key factors in strong business performance and can lead to increased productivity.”

- CIPD people Skills Project 2017


01229 821270
Turnstone HR
3, Dane Avenue
Cumbria LA14 4JS

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Vat registration number: 192219603
Company Registration: 09093934

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