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Identity is an independent, family business and employs around 10 permanent full-time staff and up to 12 Students throughout the year. We have been an employer in the Barrow area for nearly 50 years.
We had a staff incident where we felt too close to the Employees. Having known them for many years, we didn’t feel comfortable investigating this incident on our own.
A call to Turnstone HR (a professional and independent HR company) resulted in them helping us with a very tricky investigation, recommending a realistic outcome and supporting us to make the right decision .
Chrissy clearly explained the step-by-step process to me, and felt it was the best way forward.
She held interviews with the employees to assess the cause of the incident and I feel that all employees had a relaxed but professional interview for them to be able to explain what had happened.
Chrissy brought her findings to Identity and then spoke to the Employees to explain the findings.
I would recommend Turnstone HR for the professional (yet compassionate) approach to our Employees. Thank you, Chrissy, for going above and beyond at the time to fit us into your schedule.