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Job Descriptions

Is there a legal requirement for employers to provide a job description for their employees?
No there isn’t, but it is good practice to have job descriptions in place for job applicants and existing employees. They are a useful tool for:
- recruiting the right person for the role
- minimising the risk of claims of discrimination
- managing performance
- job evaluation schemes
- pay and benefit reviews
- demonstrating work of equal value in equal pay cases
There is evidence to suggest that good people management can lead to increased productivity and if your employees understand what is expected of them, you’re well on your way to getting the best out of them.
What should be in a job description and what should not?
That’s where we come in….
A job description will typically include a combination of the knowledge, skills and aptitudes required to carry out a role. This may involve, for example, physical effort or emotional demands; people management or financial responsibility; decision-making and problem-solving; or may require very specific qualifications.
We will work with you to develop job descriptions that accurately reflect the demands of the job without including unnecessary detail and which communicate clearly to your employees what is expected of them.
I have job descriptions in place and want to change them?
Legally, you’re able to make minor changes to a job description and the daily activities of a role, as long as there’s a solid business reason for it. It’s a good idea to include provisions for this within the employment contract, in the form of carefully written flexibility or mobility clauses which allow you to amend someone’s duties or work location. We can help with that too……
Remember, though that the duty of trust and confidence between you, the employer, and your employees must not be breached. Employees should be consulted about any changes and given suitable notice of the change.
If you would appreciate some assistance or advice please get in touch:
Chrissy Tait
Phone: (01229) 821270
Mobile (07725) 735581
Sarah Goddard
Phone: (01229) 480676
Mobile (07715) 822216