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New Digital Right to Work Checks introduced
New legislation regarding how businesses check their employees’ right to work has officially come into effect in the UK as of 1 October, 2022. These rules were originally introduced from April 2022 but it is only from October 2022 that applicants will no longer be able to send their right to work documents to an employer via email to verify they can legally work.
Under these new rules, businesses will only be able to hire staff by meeting them face to face or using ID validation technology to check hiring documents.
Companies face a fine of up to £20,000 if they fail to comply with the new legislation and hire illegal employees and in addition, must keep records of hiring documents for up to two years after an employee’s exit date
What does this mean for employers ?
Employers will only be able to hire staff by meeting them face to face or working with IDSPs (Certified Digital Identity Service Providers) to use Identification Document Validation Technology (IDVT) to carry out digital identity checks on behalf of British and Irish citizens who hold a valid passport .
The aim is that by using IDVT for Right to Work, Right to Rent and DBS checks the government will help to support long-term post pandemic working practices, accelerate the recruitment process, improve employee mobility and enhance the security and integrity of the checks.
The link below gives further details but also provides a current list of certified IDSPs.
Thanks, Sarah
Sarah Goddard MCIPD