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HR Services delivered as and when you need them

Successful audits for compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) for two clients

The week of 12th August proved to be a good week for TurnstoneHR with successful audits for compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) for two clients.

On Tuesday 13th, NuWave Personnel Limited were audited by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)CA and on Friday 16th BachmannHR Marine Limited in Guernsey were audited by Lloyds.

Both Phil Collier and Cath Hale have undertaken significant work with both clients to ensure success at the first attempt and prior to the MLC entering into force on 20th August. MLC compliance will enable both NuWave and BachmannHR Marine to demonstrate to its own clients in turn that their recruitment, placement, employment and crew management functions are compliant with the rigorous world-wide industry standards set by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Phil said “With the UK (the MCA) ratifying the MLC so close to it coming into force (the UK ratified on 7th August) and with so many UK flag vessels to be inspected, it was always going to be difficult to find auditors that would able to visit our clients to enable them to attain compliance before 20th August.

“However, our persistence with both the MCA (for NuWave) and Lloyds for BachmannHR Marine paid off and we were able to achieve our objective on behalf of our clients”.


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